Our pick of the best offers and savings.
Every week we spend hours looking at discounts and deals to pick the good from the bad. We’ll only share ones which we think are worth considering – but remember you’re only saving money if you’re buying something you need and can afford.
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This week’s deals
Quidco: £22 welcome offer
If you’ve not signed up for Quidco already, it’s currently offering a boosted £22 for new customers who spend £10, but it’s only for a limited number of people.
Raisin: last chance for £100 top-up
It’s your last chance to get a £100 bonus from Raisin when you sign up for a savings account and deposit £10,000. Over six months this effectively gets you 7.06% AER on your savings.
HSBC: 10% cashback
Those with Visa HSBC credit cards might be able to get 10% cashback on some spending until the end of the year including groceries, fuel and transport.
Asda: £5 welcome bonus and £2 Christmas bonus
Anyone new to Asda Rewards can get a £5 bonus this weekend. And If you buy or top-up an Asda Christmas Savings Card then you can get an extra £2 put into your Cashpot, plus you can get more free cash in November.
Wine: 6 bottles for 25% off
25% off wine is back, with Sainsbury’s and Asda offering the deal, and there are ways to save even more.
Amazon: £15 credit for backing up your photos
Some Prime customers can get a £15 Amazon voucher when they back up their photos to Amazon Photos. See if you can get it.
Octopus: free electric blanket
Vulnerable Octopus Energy customers can apply for a free electric blanket this winter, with 20,000 on offer.
Amex: 10% off days out
American Express cardholders can get 10% off days out, including theme parks, the Eden Project and Titanic Belfast. Here’s how to get it.
Escapes: free cinema tickets
You can get two free tickets to see Timestalker on 7 October with Escapes. Sign up here.
Cadbury and Asda: chance to win £200
Cadbury and Asda are running a prize draw that can win you £200 in your cashpot. You can enter it everyday by choosing your favourite Cadbury product.
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+ Get a £20 Quidco bonus (new members only). More details
Editor’s pick: 5.16% savings
Easy access ISA from Trading 212 paying 5.12%