Our pick of the best offers and savings.
Every week we spend hours looking at discounts and deals to pick the good from the bad. We’ll only share ones which we think are worth considering – but remember you’re only saving money if you’re buying something you need and can afford.

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This week’s deals
InvestEngine: up to £4,000 bonus for new S&S ISAs and SIPPs
New customers who open and top-up a Stocks & Shares ISA or SIPP (plus existing customers who transfer a Stocks and Shares ISA) can get a bonus of up to £4,000. You can also get an extra bonus of up to £100 on top by using our special link.
Free Wills Month: free will for over 55s
March is ‘Free Wills Month’, with participating solicitors offering free wills to over 55s. It’s hoped that you’ll make a donation to a charity in return if you take part, but it isn’t required.
Spotify Premium: 3 months free for new customers
There are currently two ways for new customers to redeem 3 months of Spotify Premium for free, via Freenow or the free H&M membership.
Vue: £4 cinema tickets with Wowcher
You can buy bundles of Vue tickets on Wowcher, either two, five or ten, and you’ll get them at a much lower price. Purchase ten tickets for £40, bringing the cost down to just £4 per ticket.
Naked Wine: £75 off a case of 12 bottles
You can get a voucher for £75 off a welcome case when using their promo link and taking a short quiz to build your box of wine. When Zoe tried out this offer, her case of 12 bottles came to £64.99 once the £75 voucher had been applied – bringing each bottle to just over £5 each.
Fatto a Mano: swap a pineapple for a pizza
Here’s a fun one! Until 30 March, take a pineapple into any Fatto a Mano restaurant and they’ll give you a free Bella Disgrazia pizza. The pineapples provided will be used to make the pizzas, and any extras will be donated.
Greene King: buy one beer, get one free
While stocks last, Greene King is offering a BOGOF deal on its own craft beers (Level Head, Hazy Day, Flint Eye and Prior Life).
Editor’s pick: £100 savings bonus
Effective 6.45% rate for six months as a new Raisin customer

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Editor’s pick: £100 savings bonus
Effective 6.45% rate for six months as a new Raisin customer