Our deals of the week 14 March 2025

Our pick of the best offers and savings.

Every week we spend hours looking at discounts and deals to pick the good from the bad. We’ll only share ones which we think are worth considering – but remember you’re only saving money if you’re buying something you need and can afford.

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This week’s deals

NatWest: £150 current account switch

From 12 March 2025, NatWest is offering £150 if you switch to one of its Reward current accounts. There’s also the opportunity to get another £34 via linked rewards, plus an extra £60 interest on top.

Raisin: last chance to get £100 savings bonus

Until midday on 24 March 2025, Raisin is offering a £100 welcome bonus to those who open up a savings account via our special link and add at least £10,000.

Trading 212: free share worth up to £100

If you’re new to Trading 212, you can get a free fractional share worth up to £100 when you sign-up via our link.

Amex Preferred Rewards card: 30,000 welcome reward points

Until 27 May 2025, the American Express Preferred Rewards card welcome offer is boosted by 10,000 points .

Amex Platinum card: increased 80,000 bonus points

You can get an extra 30,000 points as part of this deal, bringing your welcome bonus up to 80,000 points.

Lotto Open Week: free or cheap days out this weekend

The National Lottery runs a regular promotion where you can get free or low-cost days out (including entry to the Eden Project, National Trust, the Tower of London and English Heritage properties) between 15 and 23 March, and booking is open now!

Disney+: three months free with Tesco Clubcard

If you’re a Tesco Clubcard member, you could be offered three months of Disney+ for free.

Our top deals

Here are a few ongoing and recent offers you might have missed:

Banking offers

Savings and investing offers

Shopping vouchers and other deals

Entertainment deals

Food and drink offers


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