Whether you want fully managed portfolios or a robo advisor, here are Stocks and Shares ISAs to consider
Managed Stocks and Shares ISAs are where you choose from a range of ready-made portfolios made by investment experts. You’d usually choose one based on your appetite for risk and it’s already built from a range of stocks, funds, commodities and even bonds or gilts. The “robo” element that some providers offer refers to them using technology to decide when to buy and sell investments, or where technology is used to help find a portfolio to suit you.
There are a few different types of portfolios that you’ll come across – these include:
- Fully managed portfolios: these have real people managing them. They buy and sell the investments in the portfolio to make sure they perform well and reflect the risk profile.
- Fixed allocation portfolios: these have been created by experts but aren’t managed day-to-day. They get rebalanced routinely to ensure they still fit your chosen risk profile.
- Ethical or responsible portfolios: these invest in companies that are aiming to improve the world, such as by not investing in weapons or fossil fuels — you can get both fixed allocation and fully managed ethical portfolios. You can see more about what makes the funds ethical or responsible from your chosen provider.
- Thematic collections: these are collections of funds that fit specific themes, such as technology, British, woman-owned, energy or sports. You would choose a few of these that match your own values to build a portfolio with little effort. These aren’t quite the same as managed portfolios, but they still allow you to passively invest.
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Best managed Stocks and Shares ISAs
Here at Be Clever With Your Cash, we’re not regulated to give you financial advice. We aim to give you the facts about a provider or investment but it’s up to you to decide if it’s suitable for you. If you’re looking for more personalised guidance, find a financial adviser who can give you specific advice. Remember that your capital is at risk when investing — don’t invest more than you are prepared to lose.
Our top picks
AJ Bell Dodl Platform fees
0.15% (minimum £1 per month)
Portfolios available
6 risk-based portfolios and a responsible investments portfolio
Minimum deposit
£100 or £25 per month
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Additional Info
FSCS Protected: Yes
Transfer in existing ISA?: Yes
Other investment options: You can also invest in individual shares and themed investments
Interest on uninvested cash: 4.84%
Flexible ISA: No
▲ InvestEngine Portfolios available
10 managed portfolios and 5 LifePlan ready-made portfolios
Minimum deposit
£100 or £25 per month
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Additional Info
FSCS Protected: Yes
Transfer in existing ISA?: Yes
Other investment options: You can also invest in funds with DIY investing
Interest on uninvested cash: No
Flexible ISA: Yes
▲ Other options
Hargreaves Lansdown Portfolios available
4 risk-based portfolios
Minimum deposit
£100 or £25 per month
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Additional Info
FSCS Protected: Yes
Transfer in existing ISA?: Yes
Platform fees: Fees are reduced the more you invest. You're charged 0.45% on up to £250,000, 0.25% on the next £750,000, and 0.1% on the next £1,000,000. For amounts over £2m there is no charge.
Interest on uninvested cash: 2.53%
Flexible ISA: Yes
▲ Moneyfarm Portfolios available
A range of ethical managed portfolios, a low-risk portfolio and 4 thematic growth themes
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Additional Info
FSCS Protected: Yes
Transfer in existing ISA?: Yes
Interest on uninvested cash: No
Flexible ISA: Yes
▲ 1% cashback on transfers
Nutmeg Portfolios available
30 portfolios, including fully managed, fixed allocation and ethical
1% cashback on ISA transfers of up to £500,000.
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Additional Info
FSCS Protected: Yes
Transfer in existing ISA?: Yes
Interest on uninvested cash: No
Flexible ISA: No
Offer details: You need to transfer £10,000 or more of existing investments to get 1% cashback on the first £500,000 in your account.
▲ Chip Portfolios available
3 risk-based portfolios and two index funds
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Additional Info
FSCS Protected: Yes
Transfer in existing ISA?: Yes
Interest on uninvested cash: No
Flexible ISA: Yes
▲ Monzo Portfolios available
3 risk-based portfolios
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Additional Info
FSCS Protected: Yes
Transfer in existing ISA?: Yes
Interest on uninvested cash: No
Fund fees: You'll also have to pay fund fees of 0.14%
Flexible ISA: Yes
▲ Scottish Friendly Platform fees
4% entry fee on funds
Portfolios available
1 ethical portfolio and 10 risk based portfolios
Minimum deposit
£20 per month or £100 lump sum
More details ▼
Additional Info
FSCS Protected: Yes
Transfer in existing ISA?: Yes
Interest on uninvested cash: No
Flexible ISA: No
▲ Shepherds Friendly Portfolios available
One risk-based portfolio
Minimum deposit
£30 per month
More details ▼
Additional Info
FSCS Protected: Yes
Transfer in existing ISA?: Yes
Interest on uninvested cash: No
Flexible ISA: No