Our pick of the best offers and savings.
Every week we spend hours looking at discounts and deals to pick the good from the bad. We’ll only share ones which we think are worth considering – but remember you’re only saving money if you’re buying something you need and can afford.

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This week’s deals
American Express: last chance for boosted welcome offers
You’ve only got until 9 January to get a boosted 75,000 points with the Amex Platinum card (even if you already have another Amex), plus up to £100 cashback. There’s also in increased 25,000 points with the Amex Preferred Rewards Gold. Here’s how to get it.
Northern Rail: £1 train tickets
Northern Railway has released train tickets for just £1. You’ve got to be quick, there’s a limited number available.
Apple TV+: one month free
There’s a new Apple TV+ deal for both new customers and some returning customers – this time it’s one month free. Get it here.
Which? Magazine: deal stack
If you take out an annual Which? Magazine subscription via a cashback site using your American Express card, you could work out earning a profit. Here’s how.
Vue: £4 tickets
You can currently grab Vue tickets for just £4 or £4.40 per ticket. You have to buy 10 or 20 in one go, but this can fetch you a great discount.
Mubi Go: 1 year for £99
Mubi Go, a streaming service that also gets you a cinema ticket every week (to see a specific film – this week it’s Sofia Coppola’s Priscilla), is offering a year’s subscription for just £99.
Barclaycard: 29 months at 0% and £39 cashback
Barclaycard is currently offering a 0% balance transfer credit card for up to 29 months, plus you can stack offers to get £39 cashback when you transfer over £2,500.
Beavertown: free 4-pack of alcohol-free beer
If you’re taking on a dry January, you can kick start it with a free 4-pack of Beavertown’s Lazer Crush alcohol-free IPA via Sainsbury’s using this link.
Boots: 10% off a £60 spend
This weekend there’s 10% off at Boots when you spend £60. More here.
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