Santander cuts interest on 123 account

From 12th April 2021 you’ll earn less interest on the Santander 123 accounts, which follows changes to the cashback on offer in late 2020. Are they worth sticking with?

Santander has revealed that it is changing the interest on its popular current account for the third time in 12 months.

Here’s what’s changing, and my take on whether it’s worth sticking with, or indeed switching to.

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What’s changing on the Santander 123 account?

From 12th April 2021, the interest rate on savings will drop from 0.6% to 0.3%.

A year ago it was offering 1.5%, before a cut in May 2020 to 1% and then dropping to the current rate last August.

However, the fee is also dropping, from £5 a month to £4 a month.

There are no changes to the cashback, which was revamped last November.

How will this affect your savings?

Well, it’s a cut of 0.3%, on balances of up to £20,000. If you have the full amount saved you’ll earn £60 less a year.

Amount savedInterest at 0.6% (until 11/4/21)Interest at 0.3% (from 12/4/21)

But that is before the monthly fee. When you add it in, even at it’s reduced rate of £4 a month, you’ll need to be saving £16,000 to break even.

Of course, you will still earn cashback on your bills on top of this. Depending on how much you pay for things like electricity and Council Tax, this could realistically add another £50 or £60 on top each year.

Alternatives to the 123 account for savings

You can get up to 2.02% on your savings right now in easy access accounts, and up to 3% in regular savers. Though it’s not as simple as having all your money in a single account, you can easily beat the return from Santander.

As I wrote about a few weeks ago, you could put up to £8,000 into a combination of three accounts which would give you around £84 in interest – that’s more than you can get in the 123 with the full £20,000!

It’s worth bearing in mind that other rates could, and likely will, fall further in coming months so I wouldn’t keep chasing the highest rates when the difference is minimal.

However in this case, the fee wipes out most if not all of your interest so you are better off elsewhere.

Alternatives to 123 for cashback

There’s only one other account which will pay cashback on your bills – the Santander 123 Lite.

This version of the account doesn’t offer interest at all, and to reflect that the monthly fee is lower at £2 a month.

Factoring this in you’ll make £25 to £35 a year, more if your bills are high – though in that case I’d encourage you to do what you can do to lower them.

To see how much cashback you will earn, there’s a handy calculator to help you work out what you’ll make

Should you ditch Santander 123?

I think if you’ve got the full 123 account you absolutely ditch it. There’s no point paying £4 a month for poor interest.

Instead, you’re better off with the 123 Lite account at £2 a month and still earn your cashback. You can change your account easily as explained below.

If you’re not bothered about that you can of course close your account, but I’d personally wait for switching offers to return so you can at least make some money.

How to change from Santander 123 to 123 Lite

It’s really easy to switch down to the cheaper 123 Lite account. You’ll keep the same account number and sort code, and your debit card and PIN won’t change either.

The fastest way to do this is via your online banking or app. It should take a few clicks. Just look for the “Upgrade account” option.

Or you can go via this form from the Santander website.

Should you switch to or open a Santander 123 Lite account?

Since Santander are the only bank to offer cashback on household bills I think EVERYONE should have the cheaper 123 Lite account. It’s free money for things you are already going to paying for.

However I wouldn’t switch to this account. There’s not currently any switching incentive with Santander, and you don’t need to switch to get the cashback.

Instead I’d open up a new account from scratch. You can then either manually transfer your direct debits, or probably easier go for a partial switch. This means you can choose what you move over, and importantly means you can keep your existing account open.

However, this option doesn’t come with the Current Account Switching Service (CASS) guarantee for if things go wrong, so just double check everything has moved over OK.

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Cash Chats #161: Bitcoin Basics

Is Bitcoin something you should be investing in?

There’s a huge amount of noise right now about bitcoin following the cryptocurrency reaching record heights – and then dropping back down.

In this episode, I talk to CoinGeek’s Charles Miller about how it works, the risks of investing and how you can buy bitcoin if you still want to.

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The music used on Cash Chats is Easter Island by Lonely Punk and provided on a creative commons licence

Andy’s deals of the week 15th January 2021

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This week’s top deals

Free £20 bonus and double points at John Lewis

If you read my guide to the best reward credit cards above, then you might have spotted that one welcome deal ends this month. It’s for the John Lewis Partnership card.

Open a new card before 31st January and you’ll get double points at John Lewis and Waitrose (equivalent to 2.5% back) for 90 days. And if you spend £250 in the same three months, you’ll get a bonus £20 voucher.

Free £3 from Holland & Barrett

Sign up to Holland & Barrett’s loyalty scheme and you’ll get £3 worth of points as a bonus.

Free share worth up to £100

Sign up to investment site Trading 212 and add £1 and you’ll be given a free share, worth potentially as much as £100 (though the one I got was about £8).

I’m not recommending this as a form of investment, just as a chance to get some free cash – do you research if you choose to use it more.

50% off Meatliquor when restaurants reopen

I’m a big fan of burger joint Meatliquor, and if you sign up to its newsletter you’ll get a 50% off voucher when they can reopen their doors.

£5 off £25 spend at Amazon (selected accounts)

Though I’m trying to not spend anything at Amazon this year (I’ll write a blog on this soon), I know many of you are still going to use it. If so, you might be able to nab £5 off a £25 spend. Details on how to check here.

The perfect lockdown SIM

Out of contract and not using the data or other perks of my mobile deal, I set out to get my perfect lockdown SIM to save cash while stuck at home.

The problem was that I was only paying £8 a month for 8GB of data. Could I beat it? Here’s how it went.

Cash Chats #160: Your Money, This Week (15/1/21)

Your Money, This Week for 15th January 2021.

This new regular Friday series looks at the biggest personal finance and money news stories in the UK from the last seven days.

I’m joined for this one by Naomi Willis (Skint Dad), and we look at topics including:

  • The latest free school meals fiasco
  • The impact of lockdown on low-income families
  • Extensions to eviction and repossession bans
  • Record energy prices
  • Real living wage boost



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The music used on Cash Chats is Easter Island by Lonely Punk and provided on a creative commons licence

Finding the perfect SIM for lockdown

With less need for data and other extras, it’s time to cut the cost of my mobile deal.

My 12-month term for my SIM-only deal with Three ended this week, meaning I was free to shop around for the best deal. The problem is, I am on a really good offer.

I pay £8 a month for 8GB of data, unlimited calls, unlimited data and 5G ready. Plus all that data can be used for roaming not just in Europe but a number of other countries such as the USA.

That’s a deal that’s very hard to beat. In fact, one of the only ways to get it for less is as a new Three customer when you can get around £30 cashback from Quidco to reduce the effective monthly cost of a year to £5.50! (More on getting this deal here).

At the end of the day, continuing to pay £8 a month would be no bad thing, but I’m always trying to get a better deal. Would it be possible?

I tried a few different tricks, with different levels of success. Here’s how I fared:

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Haggling with my existing network

I’ll always put in a call, or in this case go on an online chat, to my existing provider to see if they can offer me a discount to stay.

This can be painful. Especially with Three. I said up front what I’m paying and what I’d found elsewhere, and asked if they could beat it.

I think it’s luck of the draw sometimes, but my customer service assistant wasn’t the sharpest tool in the box. At least twice he offered me the same package I’m on now at a higher price!

It was going nowhere so at around the 20 minute mark I asked for my PAC (port authorisation code) which would let me take my number to a different network.

This spurred him into offering me more data for a few quid more, but I didn’t need the extra data. Finally after 20 minutes more and two more requests for the PAC I ended the call.

It’s important to say here that you can avoid this nightmare by simply texting PAC to 65075 and it’ll be sent to you in minutes. Here’s more on how this works.

However I needed to talk to them as I wanted to see whether they’d give me something extra for staying. Fortunately with live chat I was able to get on with other things in the background (including a call with my mum!). So though it was frustrating, it wasn’t too distruptive.

Result: Fail

Becoming a new customer

Ah, the money saving joy of being a new customer. Though there are often great deals to haggle as an existing customer, the best ones are usually for newbies.

And among the best are from cashback sites. £30 back here, £15 there. All great ways to get something extra off the price you pay.

Most of the networks had this, meaning I knew I could lower the SIM prices available to me.

And I wasn’t worried about changing network either. For a start, as mentioned above I knew I could take my number with me.

But I also wasn’t concerned about the signal. There are actually only four networks. All the others “piggyback” on those. So if I wanted to stick with Three’s coverage, there were other options. Or, if I was willing to try one of the others, there are maps which show coverage.

You can read more here about these Mobile Virtual Networks.

Result: Win

Changing my allowances

As I said, I don’t need 8GB at the best of times, let alone during lockdown. Like many of you I’ve hardly left the house this year, meaning I’m connected to wi-fi pretty much all day.

Right now, in lockdown three, my data use is pretty much just podcasts if I’m out for my daily exercise. In fact, over the last month, I’ve used 0.55GB of data. Half a gig.

And as for the worldwide roaming… well I’ve hardly left my postcode. And 5G is all well and good, but you need a 5G handset (tick) and 5G coverage (not where I live).

So dropping my allowance right now seemed like a good place to cut the cost. I found SIMs with 2GB of data for less than a fiver which would be less money and still more than I currently use.

There were also SIMs classed as “basic” which didn’t include things like 5G or roaming – both easy to sacrifice right now.

Result: Win

Going for a 30-day rolling contract

The problem with some of those deals, made even better when combined with cashback, is they tend to be for 12 months.

We don’t know yet when we’ll be out of this, and when I do I’ll be using more data. Who knows, maybe even get to go abroad (the luxury!).

So I didn’t want to lock myself into a year where if I did use more data or if I did ‘roam’ I’d be faced with extra costs.

The answer was to pay a little more and go for a shorter contract of 30-days. This means I can cut down for the current situation and change again when things allow.

I might go back to Three on the same deal if it’s available – and perhaps even blag the new customer cashback.

Result: Win

Checking for extras

I had a quick look to see if I could get a decent price on a SIM that included extras. Things like Vodafone’s Very Me rewards, Voxi’s unlimited social streaming or EE’s freebies such as Britbox.

I found that even when combining the savings and tricks to cutback, I couldn’t justify the extra costs charged by the networks offering these freebies.

That’s not to say they’re not worth a look – you might happen on a flash sale that helps bring the price down. It just wasn’t worth it for me.

Result: Fail

The result: My new lockdown SIM

So here’s what I’ve actually ended up with – I’m moving to SMARTY, which operates on the Three network.

The deal I’ve gone for is 4GB of data month for £9. Yes that is less data for more money.

But the genius thing about this SMARTY SIM is that I’ll get £1 knocked off my next bill for every 1GB of data I don’t use. If the next month is the same as last, that brings the price down by £3 to £6.

And, via TopCashback I nabbed £14.85 in cashback. Assuming I stay with SMARTY for a full year, that’ll bring the monthly price down by another £1.24. If it’s six months, that’s £2.48 off each bill.

Then once things are back to normal and I decide to go back to a 12-month plan with more data or if 5G comes to my area, I’ll be able to ditch SMARTY as it’s a 30-day deal.

Obviously if you want to do the same you do need to be out of contract. If that’s not yet, make a note of it so you can look for savings when that date comes around.

Cash Chats #159: Entering and winning competitions (Side Hustle Spotlight)

This week’s episode is another in my occasional series looking at side hustles that can bring you in some extra cash.

Could entering competitions help you save money? Well if you know which ones to enter and when you could win enough in prizes to free up a healthy amount of cash. That’s exactly what my guest Di Coke has done, and she shares in this episode how you can do the same with “comping”.

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The music used on Cash Chats is Easter Island by Lonely Punk and provided on a creative commons licence

Deals of the week 8th Jan 2021

Quidco bonuses

A couple of decent “flash” bonuses today if you are in the market for a new broadband or mobile SIM deal (£10 bonus) , or if you need to shop at Boots (£5 bonus). You might need to opt in via the Quidco homepage.

If you’re not already signed up to Quidco then you can get a £17 new member bonus here.

Can you beat the Netflix price hike?

I reported last month that Netflix prices had risen for new subscribers, and it’s now been confirmed that existing users will shortly get one month’s notice that they have to pay these higher prices too.

Though it’s hard to get discounts, there are ways you might be able to reduce how much you pay – especially if you’re on the top level which is going up from £11.99 a month to £13.99 a month.

50% off Britbox

New and former subscribers can save 50% on Britbox for three months.

Free month of Lucky Voice at home

If you are looking for something new do to during the new lockdown, you can nab a free month of at home karaoke.

Top takeaway offers

With all restaurants and bars shut for at least the next six weeks, there are going to be a lot more takeaways ordered than usual.

Though it’s not a cheap way to eat, it can be a good way to support local businesses while their doors are shut.

And if you are going to order, then these tips and voucher codes might help you cut the cost.

Brewdog: 25% off alcohol-free beer

If you’re planning on giving dry-January a go then this is a decent discount at Brewdog.

Free £5 with Curve card

If you’ve not opened a Curve card then you can get a free fiver when you sign up and use the card. It’s actually a pretty handy service, letting you connect multiple Visa and Mastercards to a single debit card.

Cash Chats #158: Homeschooling, stamp duty, price hikes and more

Your Money, This Week for 8th January 2021.

This is the first of a new regular Friday episode looking at the biggest personal finance and money news stories of the last seven days.

I’m joined for this one by Faith Archer (Much More With Less), and we look at topics including:

  • whether parents can furlough in the new lockdown
  • if it’s worth rushing to beat the stamp duty freeze deadline
  • why Virgin Media’s price hike isn’t the first one we’ll see this year
  • the proposed changes to leasehold rules
  • just how much your CEO is getting paid compared to you
  • whether “divorce day” is a real thing

You can listen here:

Or watch here (from 12pm Friday)

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The music used on Cash Chats is Easter Island by Lonely Punk and provided on a creative commons licence

Cash Chats #157: The lockdown no-spend challenge

Can you cut back to just essential spending for the next six weeks?

With the UK back under a strict lockdown there are once again a number of ways we can’t spend our cash. It’s frustrating, but it also makes it the perfect time to give a no-spend challenge a go.

Though you still need to cover essentials like bills, debts and food, the idea is to cut back on everything else. In return you’ll not only see a healthier bank balance, but hopefully a greater understanding of where your money goes each month.

I’m joined by Claire Roach from Money Saving Central to talk more about how to keep motivated, tricks to keep track and more.

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The music used on Cash Chats is Easter Island by Lonely Punk and provided on a creative commons licence