Morrisons More to end loyalty points

Morrisons’ loyalty scheme is making big changes in May.

I’ve never been a fan of the Morrisons More scheme. To actually use your points you need to earn 5,000 points (worth a fiver), which required a £1,000 spend – far higher than the other supermarkets.

Well, it seems Morrisons has realised it wasn’t the best scheme. But rather than reform it so you can earn more points or payout at a lower level, it’s announced it will be dropping points completely from 10th May 2021.

The scheme will continue though, and there will be offers and coupons for instant savings instead.

But this isn’t the only change. Here’s what you need to know if you are a regular Morrisons shopper, including what it means for any points you’ve accumulated.

How is Morrisons More changing?

Coupons instead of points

Rather than get points you’ll be rewarded with digital coupons that can be used at the till for an instant discount. Morrisons say these will be personalised. Hopefully means they’ll be based on your previous shopping habits rather than products it thinks you’d like.

The app replaces cards

One major change that could impact you is that the supermarket is phasing out physical cards, so if you lose your card or sign up for the first time you’ll only be able to access the card and the savings via the Morrisons More app on your phone.

If you’d rather stick with your existing physical card you can keep using it – but you still need the app or an online account to activate the offers. This is going to mean lots of elderly shoppers miss out.

It’ll probably be renamed

The Morrisons website says the supermarket is reviewing the scheme’s name and plan to update it.

What it means for your existing More points

Earning points ends in May

You’ll continue to earn points until 9th May 2021. If you have points on a receipt you’ve got 30 days to add them to your card, and the final deadline for this is 8th June 2021.

Swapping points ends August

Any points you currently have will be valid until 9th August 2021. So you’ve got until that date to print the vouchers to spend in-store or save them to your account to use online.

Once you’ve done that, the vouchers will then be valid for 56 weeks.

But if you don’t print them or add them to your account they’ll disappear.

You probably won’t be able to swap all your points

As mentioned above you need 5,000 points to swap for a £5 voucher. But this isn’t a minimum – you need to exact multiples of 5,000.

If you have less than this, or any points left over after a 5,000 conversion these will be void. So potentially you could have 4,999 points, worth £4.99, wiped completely.

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Should you ditch Morrisons?

Though some people will be disappointed that the scheme is changing, it shouldn’t really be a reason to move to a supermarket with a points scheme like Tesco or Sainsbury’s.

Loyalty schemes are great additions to save money or earn points, but they’re rarely good enough to switch for.

Instead you’re better off choosing the supermarket based on price, quality of products and convenience.

So if you have a cheaper supermarket near you that you’re happy to use, maybe it is worth giving them a try instead of Morrisons. But equally, you might want to stick with or even try Morrisons rather than your usual choice despite the change to the scheme.

Read more about how much different supermarket loyalty points are worth

14 thoughts on “Morrisons More to end loyalty points

  1. iv had 2 or three since this new scheme started .i dont spend so much as some people as im on my own but at the till i saw woman who spent £100 and she had four vouchers .how much do i need to spend to get one then .very annoyed .

  2. I still shop at morrisons for convenience,but scanning card is a waste of time, try to get petrol at sainsbury or tesco ,some reward for all that money spent every year

  3. I switched from Morrisons to Ocado. Only use Moggos for the deli now. Overall I find Occas much better for offers and I don’t get tempted to buy things that I don’t need, being online and away from the allure of the aisles etc.

  4. We agree with all the above comments regarding existing points , we have 4355 points which are now worthless . This is nothing short of daylight robbery by Morrison’s and they should be ashamed. Won’t be back very often.

  5. My points are 4315 and that is without what I normally would have received today on a £20.17 shop, thus in total 4415. I think it is an absolute disgrace that I get nothing for that. It could easily have been converted to £4.41. It is very dubious if this is legal. Shame on Morrisons I won’t be back very often.

  6. I have been trying like mad to get to 5000 before the scheme ends and have 4251. Does this mean I’ll get no benefit for them?

    1. Hi Susan, yes sadly that’s what will happen. It’s worth complaining to Morrisons – you never know they might offer something.

  7. This scam by Morrison’s should be challenged in the courts

  8. Morrisons are constantly looking at ways to make you pay more but give you less, points earned were i believe part of a contact between the customer and morrisons, and by removing the sceme quite suddenly in terms of point building time all they aredoing is stopping you from claiming what is rightfully yours, if in the small print they stated that the sceme can end anytime and all points would be lost if under 5000pts isnt really fair if you read those terms over 6 yrs ago 2014, and it is fair to say that almost every customer loses, almost noone will have exactly 5000pt incruments, this isnt a sceme to reward its a sceme to deprive the customer on a vast scale whatvthey are entitled too, morrisons have all bud done away with many money savers products and cleverly increased prices individually but offering the usual price on 3 for the price of 2 ect. They should be challenged legally over this,.. Any solicitors, parlimentarians, ombudsmen got any views??, or cares, or morals enough to comment, more so lets hear what morrisons say, bet they wont give you pro rater for points

  9. Why didn’t Morrison’s just increase the amount of points you can earn? When the scheme first started I sent £160 in vouchers for the year, the following years it dropped to £100 then £80 eventually dropping to £35 last year saw a increase to £50.

    I suspect Morrison’s are looking how to not reward you. As the new scheme will no doubt offer discounts on items I don’t normally buy.

    Fed up with Morrison’s now. I’m going back to Saintsbury’s Nectar..

  10. The fact that they are going to “void” any points under 5,000 has just re-enforced my previous thought that there are better places to spend my hard earned cash. They obviously have no loyalty to their customers so why should we be loyal to them.

  11. They should just give anyone with less than 5000 points a £5 voucher instead …they would at least get some of that back through it being spent there. They currently proposing to refund me for a poor quality item via More points so I’m glad I saw this as, even with the refund, I’m unlikely to be over 5000 points so would lose the benefit of the refund which is not on.

    1. That’s awful. They should refund you the price you paid if you have proof of purchase

  12. The cancellation of ponts below the 5000 threshold is scandalous and highly dubious legally.Morrisons could easily convert sll points to a prorata discount.They will make a vast amount robbing customers in this way.
    I was on the point of emailing Morrisons about this when I saw your piece on this and will now proceed to do so!


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