Savings account special offers

Savings offers that let you earn a little extra on top of interest

Some savings account providers will give you a bonus for signing up which can boost your return well above the rate available elsewhere.

But with all these offers, make sure you check you can’t make more money by putting your savings in an account that pays a higher interest rate. You can see the latest best buys in our guide.

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New customer offers

Raisin: £100 welcome offer

Until midday on 24 March 2025, Raisin is offering a £100 welcome bonus if you open a savings account via our link and fund it with at least £10,000 by 31 March. You’ll need the code SAVINGS100 for this.

This applies to easy access accounts and notice accounts, as long as you keep the money in the account for at least 6 months; and fixed rate accounts with a term of 6 months or over. 

For £10,000 in a 12-month fix, this is effectively 1% added to the account rate. The best option on Raisin right now is a 4.4% account, so you’ll get £440 plus £100, which is £540, or 5.4%

Better is a six month fix where that £100 works out as a 2% increase (though of course you won’t have the money saved there for a full year). The top one here is 4.45% from National Bank of Egypt, so you’ll effectively get 6.45% on your cash, which would be £322.50.

The more money deposited and longer you save will reduce this effective rate.

Knowing this will help you compare Raisin accounts to other rates.

Within 14 days of meeting the eligibility criteria (so 6 and a half months from now), you’ll get the bonus. 

To get the offer:

  1. Click on the below link, which will add the promo code SAVINGS100
  2. Sign up for a new Raisin UK Account by 24 March 2025
  3. Apply for and open a savings account
  4. Put at least £10,000 into your new savings account by midday on 31 March 2025.

If you need to access the money within 6 months, you won’t get the bonus.

Editor’s pick: free share

Get a free share worth up to £100 when you sign up to Trading 212.

Santander Edge Saver: up to £20 cashback

The Santander Edge Saver currently pays 6% on up to £4,000 – but to get it you need to have a Santander Edge current account.

If you apply for the Santander Edge account via cashback sites Quidco or TopCashback there’s often an extra you can earn on top, normally between £10 and £20 (the amount varies).

If you’re not already a customer of either site then make sure you sign up for a welcome offer first, worth up to £20 – though this can’t be used in conjunction with the Santander offer so you’ll need to make a purchase elsewhere first.

Hargreaves Lansdown: £25 ISA welcome offer (ended)

New and existing customers of Active Savings account via Hargreaves Lansdown can get a £25 bonus by saving £10,000 in an ISA.

You need to open up a new Cash ISA and add £10,000 via debit card (which means transfers won’t count). You also then need to also open an Active Savings Account by 24 October 2025.

Existing HL customers cannot already have a Cash ISA with the provider.

The terms and conditions don’t state you have to keep the money in the ISA for any length of time, though to be safe it makes sense to keep it there until 24 October.

You can open any type of Cash ISA, whether easy access, notice or fixed. Remember before 6 April 2024 you can only pay new money into one Cash ISA in the financial year. But from 6 April you can open up and pay into more than one.

The offer ends 25 April 2024 and you must keep the account open until 25 October 2024, when the bonus will be added to you cash savings account (not the ISA).

Tembo Lifetime ISA: up to £300 welcome offer (ended)

You can get up to £300 when you transfer your Lifetime ISA to Tembo. The amount you get depends on how much you transfer:

Amount transferredCash bonusEffective rate
Less than £5,000£04.3%
£5,000 – £9,999£305%
£10,000 – £14,999£755.05%
£15,000 – £19,999£1004.97%
£20,000 – £24,999£1254.93%
£25,000 – £29,999£1504.9%
£30,000 – £34,999£1754.88%
£35,000 – £39,999£2004.87%
£40,000 – £45,999£2254.86%
£45,000 – £49,999£2504.86%
£50,000 £3004.9%

The LISA is currently paying 4.3% and you get a 25% top-up from the government when you pay into it.

To get the welcome cash, you need to transfer your Lifetime ISA to Tembo by 30 September 2024 and you’ll get the bonus six months later.

5 thoughts on “Savings account special offers

  1. The Raisin offer with GB Bank is no longer working. I get a “Deposit opening order limit reached for the product” message when trying to open the GB Bank account via the Raisin app. Sounds like they’re oversubscribed.

  2. To save anyone checking it out in detail, the current Hargeaves Lansdown offer is pretty poor. A £25 bonus on £10,000 equates to only 0.25%. Currently, their best rate is 4.65% for an ISA with Zopa. Since Zopa are themselves currently offering 5.08% it’s difficult to find any benefit in the Hargreaves Lansdown incentive

  3. There isn’t a £25 bonus for opening a Moneybox ISA of either type depositing £500. Or any amount (18/01/2024, Android App).

  4. Hi Andy,
    You refer above to the Chip offer ending three weeks ago, but may be extended. Have they extended it?

  5. Richard Wheatley August 18, 2023 at 9:39 am

    The 6-month comparisons above are incorrect as they show the interest earned after 1 year and not 6 months.
    With all of Chip’s 6-ninth bonuses, Chip @4.51% plus 6-month bonus would beat Cynergy @ 4.8%, but not the best 6-month fix of 5.52%.


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