Get £1 of free Tesco Clubcard points when you buy £1 books. Exchange them for up to 4x value!
Free Books
Tesco have recently launched Blinkbox Books. It’s an online e-book store to be read on an app that can be downloaded for most tablets. As a special offer, they’re giving away 100 free Clubcard points for any e-book between £1 and £10. 100 points are worth £1. If you buy an e-book for £1, you’re essentially getting a free e-book. You can get twenty in this offer, so that’s twenty free e-books!
Get up to £60 free from a £20 spend
However what makes this deal really standout is that 100 points can be worth up to four times as much. If you exchange the points for Red Spotted Hankey vouchers, you get double value – so a free £20 to spend on train travel. Ticketmaster vouchers are double value too. Swap them for vouchers at Pizza Express, Strada and other restaurants gets you FOUR times value – that’s £60 of free food. Read our 6 Best Uses Of Clubcard Points blog for more ideas.
So buy twenty e-books for £20, you’ll get £20 back to use elsewhere – possibly up to £80. So even if you have no plan to read the books, it’s well worth doing.
You will of course need a Tesco Clubcard account. If you don’t have one you can sign up on their site. You don’t ever need to visit a Tesco if you can’t or won’t.
Once you’ve got that, sign up for a Blinkbox Books account and select your books. Annoyingly you have to buy books one at a time, but once you have stored your card details it’s very quick to do. BE CAREFUL that you are only getting £1 books. I got caught out and accidentally bought a £1.99 Roald Dahl short story as most of the others were £1.
This offer ends on June 30th 2014.
LINK: Buy £1 books at Blinkbox Books and get 100 Tesco Clubcard points for each one.
Books To Buy
Book wise the £1 choice isn’t particularly special, but there are some good selections. Some of the ‘classics’ on offer are free elsewhere, but this deal is really about the Clubcard points. Searching is a little annoying, but if you filter by price (low to high) you’ll soon get to £1 books. Here are some to search for:
– F Scott Fitzgerald
– Jane Austen
– Thomas Hardy
– Rudyard Kipling
– Roald Dahl (shorts)
– Agatha Christie (shorts)
– Bram Stoker
– Henry James
– Easop’s Fables
– Grimm’s Fairy Tales
– Brett Easton Ellis (shorts)
– Emma Donahue (short story)
– 12 Years A Slave
– Hummingbird Bakery mini cookbooks
– Mills & Boon
There are also some mini books written by David Attenborough, Brian Cox, Kevin Mcloud & Gareth Malone.
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