Are you fed up of football?

Even with England’s demise, TV schedules are still packed with World Cup matches. Plus there’s Wimbledon and the British Grand Prix. If you don’t like sport in the first place, it’s enough to turn someone crazy.

Ok, so I love tennis. And I’ll definitely try and catch some of the World Cup games. But I know many people don’t, so here are some great value alternatives to keep you entertained.

1. Get outdoors

It’s an obvious one, but there’s so much going on in the summer. Free festivals, village fetes, outdoor film screenings. Even if your home is in a cultural black hole, there are acres of wood and park land out there you could explore. Or just sit in the garden/park and soak up the rays!

If you collect Tesco Clubcard points, there are some great offers to get four times their value at museums, theme parks and other days out. Our guide picks our 6 Best Uses Of Clubcard Points. Plus you can get £15 of free points (worth up to £60) through this Blinkbox books deal.

2. Stream a top quality box sets

Ok, realistically it’s going to rain. This is Britain after all. So whether you’re taking the laptop to another room while the World Cup dominates the plasma, or united in your loathing of any kind of ball, a box set could be your answer.

The cheapest way is to stream via a service like Netflix or Now TV. We’ve just published our guide to the Best TV programmes you can watch online to help you pick which service to subscribe to.

3. Hold your own mini Glastonbury… at home

You might not have been able to get a ticket to Glastonbury (I did!!… *smug face*), but you can still experience it thanks to wall to wall coverage of next weekend on the BBC. One of our Cheap Night In picks for this week, you can stream six of the stages live on your computer or smart TV, watch highlights or listen on the radio from Friday.

So put the tent up in the garden/living room, buy some cider and don’t have a shower for four days. It’ll be just like being there. I promise.

4. Go to the cinema

Though new releases are dominated by blockbusters, the summer is also the time for a few little gems. One of our top tips is to see if your local has a membership scheme, as you can make big savings over the year.

Read all our tips in our 6 Cheap Cinema Secrets article.

5. Head to the theatre

With so many people outside or watching the big sporting events, you can often get some great deals as theatres try to fill empty seats.

We’ve written our 8 Cheap Theatre Basics to help you get the best value at the theatre, particularly in London’s West End

6. Hit the sales

If all else fails, it’s sales time! Remember though that just because it’s reduced it isn’t necessarily a bargain…

Our 6 Steps To Tell If A Bargain Really Is A Bargain should help.


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