Tricks to help your freezer save you money

Whether taking advantage of reduced food and special offers, trying to avoid food waste, or building up an emergency stockpile, your freezer is a fantastic money saving device. 

I love my freezer for one simple reason. It saves me money. Lots of money. It’s probably the biggest money saver in my kitchen – even when you factor in the upfront cost, running cost and even buying things like freezer bags.

So here’s why you should be thinking more about what you put in your freezer, and some tricks that’ll not just save you cash but make your life a little easier too.

Five ways a freezer can save you money

You can snap up reduced food and special offers

I rarely buy any fresh food at full price. Instead I take advantage of the reduced shelves or special offers to stock up and store in my freezer. This is a big money saver. Say between the two of us we’re using four packs of fish or meat each week. At full price we’re looking at £4 or £5 for each, if not more (I buy high-welfare and sustainable options), which is near enough a grand over 12 months. If I’m saving a third, and I’m often able to save more, that’s £333 less I’m spending.

I think this is a pretty conservative estimate. And that’s just fish and meat. Add in bread, veg, leftovers, cakes… you can probably freeze the bulk of the food you buy. So make sure you’re not just filling it with ready meals!

You can find lower prices

There are some things you can get cheaper already frozen. Things like frozen berries or fillets of fish. They might also ultimately be fresher as they are frozen at the source. Here’s an interesting article about what to look for with frozen fish.

You’ll cut down on food waste

The average UK household throws away £800 worth of edible food every year – that’s £70 a month. Not all of this can be saved by using your freezer, but a huge chunk of it can. So whether that’s freezing leftovers after cooking or fresh ingredients before they go off, it’s a decent amount of money back in your pocket.

You’ll have emergency supplies

Though some people took stockpiling too far in the early days of the Coronavirus pandemic, it does make sense to have some emergency supplies at home – and the freezer is a perfect way to have certain food available if you can’t get to the shops.

And we’ve all had times when we’re short of a vital ingredient, which often then results in a trip to an expensive corner shop or giving up and getting a takeaway. Which costs more money. To avoid this you can freeze things like portions of cheese, herbs, wine, butter, milk… ready to throw into your pot.

I always like to have some food that can be cooked from frozen – and if you’ve bought that on offer or reduced even better.

You can protect yourself against price increases

If you’re worried about inflation pushing prices up even higher than they are now, then stocking up essentials in the freezer is a way to avoid paying more.

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Freezing rules

Freezing food is pretty simple, but here are a handful of simple rules so you’re not wasting cash.

What food to freeze

You’ll be surprised by exactly what you can freeze. Here’s my guide to help you see what you can and can’t freeze.

When to freeze food

Anything that’s fresh should go in the freezer before the use-by date (you can read more on the different dates on packs here). Of course, if it’s looking or smelling a bit dodgy then it’s best to bin it.

If you’re freezing leftovers or are pre-cooking meals to freeze make sure it’s cooled down first.

If you can, put it in the coldest draw so it freezes faster. If you’re adding a huge haul then put the freezer on fast-freeze (just remember to switch it back to no

How long to freeze food for

The guidance seems to be to read the packaging and go with the advice there. If there’s nothing on the pack then it’s best to search online. I wanted to share a simple list but the three most comprehensive ones I found all contradicted each other! Even so, if something’s been lurking in there for around nine months to a year, it’s best to eat it or bin it.

Make sure you rotate the contents of your freezer, especially if you have a large chest freezer, so you’re using the oldest stuff first. A list helps too. I keep in on the notes app on my phone and update it when I shop or use something.

How to defrost frozen food

Meat and fish should be defrosted in the fridge, ideally overnight, though I’ve seen some articles say it’s ok to use the defrost function on a microwave. Either way, make sure you put it on a plate and covered to prevent cross-contamination and check it’s fully defrosted before cooking.

You can also cook lots of items straight from frozen, including some I didn’t realise like sausages. You can even make your own pizzas to freeze. Just top the bases as normal and cover in clingfilm. Then whack it straight in the oven when you want it.

Freezing hacks

Now you know the rules, it’s time to use some of these tricks. They’ll save space so you can store more and help you avoid further waste.

Take food out of packets

The more reduced food and leftovers you can get in your freezer the more money you’ll save. But if you overstuff your freezer it can force the motor to work harder – increasing the chances of it breaking down.

So it makes sense to utilise the space as best you can, and one of the best ways is to cut down unnecessary packaging. Though some supermarkets are getting better at reducing the size of plastic trays or removing them completely, not all are. So move your mince and anything else that could take up less space.

Make sure you put it in airtight containers or bags to avoid freezer burn. If you’re using bags, squeeze out as much air as you can, and seal with a twist-tie.

Separate before freezing

This is a good trick to ensure you’re taking out only what you need, not the full pack. 

Take fruit for example. Freeze a pack and it’s one giant mass of berries. Instead put them on a baking tray on some baking paper in the draw to freeze. The berries will all freeze separately so when you combine them into a bag the won’t join together.

You can do something similar for things like raw chicken breasts. Wrap them individually in clingfilm and put into a bigger freezer bag. For cooked items, like slices of ham, you can put pieces of baking paper in between.

When you freeze leftovers, try to keep it as square as possible to help stack them in the freezer. I’m going to start putting things like a bag of chili into a square box. Once it’s frozen I should be able to take the bag out of the box, which I can use again for the next portion. 

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Label it

This is really important. Of course you want to know what’s in the pack, but don’t forget quantities, the date it’s frozen and cooking instructions. You can write this on with a sharpie marker pen, or tear off the label from the packaging. 


You can also make your life easier, and use up random leftovers, by chopping them up ready to use. This is good for things like herbs and onion – just make the latter is sealed tight to stop the smell. Cheese can be frozen grated too so you can sprinkle it onto hot dishes straight from the draw.

You can also save time by increasing how much you cook when you prepare a meal. So last night rather than making chili with one pack of mince, I made it with two (bought on special offer). This means I’ve got a few extra portions to throw in the freezer. And later this week I’m going to poach some (reduced) chicken breasts and shred them before freezing, great for quick tacos at a later date.

5 thoughts on “Tricks to help your freezer save you money

  1. Running the freezer less than full wastes electricity and if you can keep it in a cold room (eg a garage) this cuts down the amount it costs to run. I use mine to freeze prepared fruit and veg in the autumn for making homemade chutney when I have more time during the winter. In the summer I fill any gaps with clothes which might be harbouring clothes moths (eg second hand tweed). This kills the moth eggs and stops them chomping through your wardrobe over the summer.

  2. Andy,whole tomatoes can be frozen,I do it every year when growing my own.I defrost and make tomato sauces,have done this for over 20 years.If you are fussy you can stick them in boiling water so the skin comes off prior to use

  3. Raphael Baldacchino February 27, 2019 at 2:01 pm

    Its worth remembering that cooked or salted (cured) meats e.g. ham, will not keep long in a freezer, about 4-6 weeks but that’s still a useful stop-gap. Its best to buy such meats vacuum packed and they will remain in good condition for longer – potentially up to 6 months. Any food which is vacuum packed will keep longer in a freezer because the air has been excluded (it keeps longer outside the freezer too). Some foods say ‘keep refridgerated’, implying it should not be frozen. A good guide as to whether it can be frozen is looking in the stores which sell frozen food. For example I bought some ready prepared onions reduced and froze them as I saw them frozen in a store.

    1. Great, thanks Raphael. Useful stuff!

    2. Rather than using bags and cling film, use Tupperware pots do avoid using throw away plastic and do your bit for the environment, maybe you could change your post to suggest than rather than encourage more disposable plastic, it’s better to use reusable pots.


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