Clever Site: Say No To 0870

Avoid premium phone costs

This Clever Site will help you avoid premium rate phone numbers.

Don’t you hate it when you’ve no choice but to ring an 0870 number. They’re rarely included in any free minutes you have on your landline and I’ve yet to hear of it as part of a mobile allowance. Even more annoying they’re normally the numbers where you get stuck on hold for ages.

There are ways around it – I’ll always use the “calling from abroad” number if I need to contact my bank (it’ll say +44 at the start). But for most occasions not even a google search will help.

That’s where Say No To 0870 is essential. It’s basic. Very basic. But it does it’s job fantastically. Head to the search page and simply enter the number you have or the company you want. If they have any alternatives, a page will pop up. Some results will be verified, others worth trying if there’s nothing there.

It’s not limited to 0870. Any premium code can be entered, as can 0800 which is also not usually included in mobile allowances.

It won’t work every time, but I’ve had a lot of success and saved a lot of money with this site. Bookmark it now!

3 thoughts on “Clever Site: Say No To 0870

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