Cash Chats Ep76 – Your refund rights when you change your mind

Shops don’t have to give you your money back

With the big sales just a few weeks ago, and more on the horizon, it’s easy to get caught up by so-called bargains you might not need or want. The simple solution is to take any ill-advised purchases back for a refund – but that’s not always possible.

This week on the podcast I’ve taken a look at your rights, which can vary if you buy in a shop or online, plus how the way you pay can also make a difference.

This week’s links

Changed your mind? Your refund rights

Credit cards, Section 75 and your consumer rights

Review: Buying and selling gift cards with Zeek

One thought on “Cash Chats Ep76 – Your refund rights when you change your mind

  1. When I bought from a SportsDirect shop, no one told me that they don’t do refund. But when I return my trainers, they said they only give gift card. Is there any way to get a refund? I bought in store.


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