The Headlinemoney awards are a swanky affair and a big deal for personal finance journalists. When I won last year it was a huge shock, but I’d say this year I was even more surprised as I really thought there was no chance of getting it two years in a row.
But as the presenter, BBC journalist Sarah Smith, began by saying something along the lines (details are vague as it was all a bit of a blur) of “For the second year…” it clicked that I’d won. It’s a very surreal and humbling moment to have your name read out and then go up on stage in front of hundreds of personal finance journalists and PRs. But I was, and still am, absolutely delighted.
As part of the process, I had to submit three articles from the blog – the ones I felt demonstrated why I do what I do. So I thought it would be good to share those same posts with you.
I selected each to demonstrate that a big part of the blog is showing I put my money where my mouth is, that I really live the articles I write. I also wanted to show that brands can’t buy my endorsement or a place on the blog – Be Clever With Your Cash truly is independent. So here they are if you missed them last year.
The corner shop stamp rip-off
How I tried to learn investing, but ended up blagging it
The 1p trick to get your “free” Waitrose tea or coffee

Also, do check out some of the fantastic and lovely bloggers who were also nominated, including Charlotte (LottyEarns), Becky (Good With Money) and Jane (Skinted Minted Mum) who are all from my UK Money Bloggers community, as well as Iona (Young Money).
A little perspective
As chuffed as I am with my win, I wanted to tell you about another award on the night. My category was immediately after the Lifetime Achievement award, which this year went to Daily Express journalist Geoff Ho. If the name sounds familiar, it could well be because in June last year he stood up to the terrorists attacking London’s Borough Market. His first-person account of the attack is a difficult read, but if you can take a look it shows why he received such a rapturous standing ovation.