A great REAL DEAL here.
Since the weekend the Sun has been printing codes so you can claim a £9.50 voucher to spend at RedSpottedHankey (See our 10 Tricks For Cheap Trains article for more about this site and other great tips). If you missed them, we’ve got them all here for you!
Saturday: TR3DGQ
Sunday: NJ681D
Monday: PNJ98N
Wednesday: BSG2KJ
All you need to do is cut and paste them on to this webpage, then follow the instructions. Do this before Wednesday 19th February, though they could run out sooner.
When you enter your code on the RedSpottedHankey page, make sure it’s in the validation code section of your personal details, not the voucher code tab. The voucher should appear within a few days to redeem against any train travel in the UK booked before 21st April 2014.