Did you set a money resolution at the start of the year? We’re at that point where willpower starts to falter and all our best intentions are likely to be forgotten. But those aims can make a big difference to your finances, so it’s better to power through than give up – if you can.
So in this episode of Cash Chats I talk to money bloggers and journalists Faith Archer and Jane Wallace to share how you can keep motivated and stick to those financial goals.
Today also marks the first birthday of the podcast! Thanks to everyone who’s listened in the last 12 months. At some point someone listening to this will tip us over the 15,000 listens mark – a number I’m very proud of. If you’re new to the podcast, do check out the previous episodes as there are lots of great ideas and tips you can learn from.
This week’s links
How to keep saving once you’ve started (Be Clever With Your Cash)
Earn up to 5% interest on your savings with Chip PLUS special code to start you off at 3% (Be Clever With Your Cash)
Faith’s New Year’s Resolutions for 2018 (Much More With Less)
How my New Year’s Resolution to make small changes each month added up to a big difference (Much More With Less)
Jane’s top ways to clear your Christmas debt (Skinted Minted Mum)