A Year Of Movies, TV, Kindle Books and Amazon Delivery

Amazon PrimeREAL DEAL

Amazon Prime has been around for a while offering free one day delivery on any order. Now, we’ve finally caught up with the States and you’ll also get free streaming of thousands of films and TV shows and a Kindle lending library.

They’re essentially rebranding Love Film Instant, so you’ll have access to complete box sets such as Buffy The Vampire Slayer, The West Wing and Dexter, alongside animated faves such as Up and Peter Pan, or recent releases The Place Beyond The Pines and The Kings Of Summer. Amazon are also beginning to producer their own TV content (as Netflix have) so expect that to be exclusive to the service.

The Kindle lending library will have over 500,00 titles for you to borrow for free. Details of what you can get isn’t clear, but it does include all the Harry Potters.

For the next two days there is a special offer to get all this for just £49, rather than the regular £79, for twelve months. You can also start a 30 day free trial to lock in at this lower price, meaning you’ll get it for thirteen months. If you order a lot from Amazon and think you’ll watch enough online, then this is a really good deal – it works out at £3.77 per month.

But bear in mind that they don’t have everything on offer to stream. Some films and series are exclusive to other services such as Now TV and Netflix. My advice would be to avoid doubling up. If you go for this, wait until your year is over, cancel, and then sign up to any other service.

You can get the free trial and low price until Wednesday 26th Feb from this link.


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