Our pick of the best offers and savings.
Every week we spend hours looking at discounts and deals to pick the good from the bad. We’ll only share ones which we think are worth considering – but remember you’re only saving money if you’re buying something you need and can afford.

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This week’s deals
Trading 212: top 5.05% ISA for new customers
If you’re new to Trading 212, you can get a rate of 5.05% on their Cash ISA for the first 12 months.
BA Amex: boosted 60,000 welcome Avios offer
Apply for the British Airways Amex Premium Plus credit card through British Airways itself to earn a boosted 60,000 Avois points.
Great British Rail Sale: up to 50% off train tickets
Until 20 January 2025, you can buy advance train tickets for up to 50% off. The tickets must be booked at least seven days in advance and be for travel between 17 January and 31 March 2025. Here’s how to book.
Sainsbury’s: 250 free Nectar points
If you’ve got the Nectar app, you can earn 250 bonus Nectar points by taking a look at your 2024 basket which shares what you bought last year and how you compared to other shoppers.
Halfords: free winter car check and bike safety check
Halfords is offering motorists a 5-point winter car check, including a headlight, brake, wiper blade and battery health check. If you’ve got a bike, you can also get a free bike safety check.
Prezzo: 99p pizza or pasta
Prezzo is offering 99p pizza and pasta dishes on 20 January 2025 when you order any soft or alcoholic drink.
0% beers: alcohol-free beer freebies
If you’re doing dry January, there are lots of 0% beer freebies to help you get started.
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